Re-Introducing Waqf To The World

Waqf is a  charitable trust that invests your donation, and only donates the growth and income of your endowment over time.

This means it can continually benefit others in this life and endless rewards for you in the next.

Create your Waqf in less than 1 minute.

Establish my Waqf
Measure the power
of your Waqf

Re-Establishing a lost Sunnah

The concept of Waqf has been forgotten. Together, we can revive a lost Sunnah that was essential to the infrastructure of the Islamic economy and create true sustainability in our charity.

Be like the Companions

“Every Companion who had the capacity, established a Waqf”

Ibn Qudama

Donate to your Waqf Endowment

You choose how much you want to donate and the causes you care about the most.


Your Waqf investment grows

Your donation is invested into property and begins to generate income and grow.


Income helps those in need, forever.

The income from your Waqf helps generations to come, long after you are gone.

Trust and

Your Waqf is distributed to causes you select, to charities that are regulated by the UK Charities Commission.

We provide you with regular reporting on how your Waqf is growing and our transparent reporting on our grants makes it easy to see what your Waqf is contributing to.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,
“When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except three: Ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who will pray for him.”
Hadith | Sahih Muslim

Dedicate your Waqf for a loved one, or a cause that you believe in.

Select which causes you'd like to support from thousands of regulated Charities.

Start a Waqf with as little as £50.

Waqf money is invested in Shari'ah compliant Assets

The lifetime of your Waqf relies on smart investment decisions. We have created a robust investment policy that is designed to protect and grow your Waqf so that your rewards are truly everlasting.

All investment decisions are transparent and disclosed.

View our Investment Policy

Owned by Allah

Your Waqf is protected and becomes the property of Allah.
This Amanah is taken seriously and there is a deep commitment to protecting
and nurturing your donation to ensure that it benefits generations to come.

Did you know...

The Well of Uthman

The Well of Uthman RA is arguably the most famous example of Waqf. Initially a water well that provided free water, the land is now occupied by a hotel and date farm, revenues of which are used to donate to charity. It continues to be a source of reward for Uthman RA, over 1400 years later.

Al-Qarawiyyin University

Known as the first University or higher learning institution in the world, Al-Qarawiyyin University in Morocco was established as a Waqf by Fatima Al-Fihri.

The Clock Tower

The famous Clock Tower in Saudi Arabia is a Waqf, established by the then King Abdul Aziz.  The disbursements of the Waqf support the maintenance of Masjid al Haram.

Al-Azhar University

Al-Azhar University in Egypt. is another well known example of Waqf. It is one of the foremost and prestigious universities in the world for Islamic learning.

Hagia Sofia

First established in 537 AD, the Hagia Sofia in Istanbul was made into a Waqf in 1453. Although it was later made into a Museum, this decision was annulled many years later due to the establishment of it being made a Waqf.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is iWaqf?

iWaqf is a digital platform that democratizes the ability to create a Waqf. An individual or group can instantly create a waqf, set an intention, and select which Charities they would like to be the end beneficiaries. Users can donate any amount of money, rather than the usual large amounts required for a traditional Waqf setup.

What is a Waqf?

Waqf is a permanent endowment; when you declare Waqf over an asset, it is thereafter no longer sold and spent, gifted, or inherited. The asset is instead retained and all income generated by the asset will be used to donate towards charitable or other causes. Famous examples:
Uthman's Waqf- more than 1400 years old

Who is iWaqf Charitable Trust?

iWaqf Charitable Trust is an independently run UK registered charity (RCN: 1190896). Whilst Waqf in general can be both of a personal or charitable nature, by donating to iWaqf Charitable Trust, you are contributing to a permanent endowment which is entirely charitable. The reward for ongoing, self-sustaining Waqf of this form is potentially limitless.

What is the meaning of the word Waqf?

The word Waqf (pl. Awqaf) means to stop, confine, or restrict. The hadith literature uses various terms for the concept of Waqf such as ‘habs’ which also have come to refer to the same concept of Waqf.

Is Waqf a concept that is permissible within Islam?

The Prophet ﷺ encouraged his Companions to establish their own Waqf. As a result, Waqf was an integral part of the financial system of Islam right from the outset and continued to grow over the next thousand years.

Does Waqf come to an end?

There are two forms of Waqf, (1) perpetual and (2) temporary. A perpetual Waqf, if managed correctly, can in theory go on without end, for example, there is a Waqf still in existence from the time of the Prophet ﷺ. iWaqf is a permanent Waqf platform.

How does donating in the form of a Waqf differ from other forms of giving such as Zakat, Sadaqah etc?

A Waqf is a permanent endowment such as buildings, land, and other assets that can be used continuously for charitable or religious purposes. Zakat is a mandatory portion of your savings that has to be given in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, donating to a Waqf is not mandatory. Sadaqah is considered a general charity and donating to your Waqf can be considered a specific form of ‘Sadaqah’. Waqf is not compulsory in Islam, but it offers ongoing rewards to the donor.

What kind of impact did Waqf have in the past?

It is estimated that between 30-70% of the property and land in different Muslim regions was at one time owned in the form of Waqf. The institution of Waqf funded everything from roads, schools, and masjids to some of the first hospitals and early universities (a model later copied by the likes of Oxford and Cambridge Universities).

Why is Waqf no longer commonplace?

This is partly a result of the decline and dissolution of much of the historical Waqf during the 19th and early 20th centuries and partly because there has not, until now, been an easy and comprehensive way for individuals to donate to Waqf. In the UK, iWaqf Charitable Trust provides an opportunity to revive the institution of Waqf.

Can Waqf really return and what benefit could it provide in the modern world?

The Waqf model means that it is ideally suited for financing long-term sustainable growth projects. This is not limited to charitable causes but could also include business ventures, educational projects, and scientific ventures, amongst other things. All of these initiatives could benefit from the funding which would be available if Waqf were to once again become widespread. By enabling individuals to donate to Waqf, we believe that we can re-establish this now-lost Sunnah aspect of Waqf.

I have heard people say giving in Waqf is the best form of charity, how is this?

The Prophet ﷺ generally recommended the practice of regular and continuous good actions as opposed to one-off acts of kindness, as regular actions provide the greatest benefit to both the one doing the action and the one receiving the benefit of the deed. Unlike one-off donations, which end once the resource, good or service has been used up, ongoing charity has this attribute and is one of the three actions which the Prophet ﷺ explained in a famous hadith continues after a person’s death.

“When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except three: Ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who will pray for him.”Hadith | Sahih Muslim. 

Waqf is the best form of ongoing charity, because it is designed not only to continue regularly over time, but to actually increase over time. This is achieved by investing the initial donation rather than spending it, which allows the Waqf to potentially grow over time and the profits which are generated from those invested donations are used towards the charitable aims of the Waqf.

Who manages iWaqf Charitable Trust?

iWaqf Charitable Trust’s board of trustees are responsible for managing the Waqf.The board of trustees have adopted an Investment Policy that governs the way iWaqf Charitable Trust’s assets will be invested. The core principles of iWaqf’s Investment Policy are preservation of asset value and ensuring long-term growth and the overall aim is to ensure safe investment with good returns in a sustainable way. iWaqf Charitable Trust’s board of trustees seek to ensure that endowed donations continue for long after the donees’ lifetime and benefit future generations.

Why is iWaqf Charitable Trust focused on UK causes?

iWaqf Charitable Trust allows donors to pledge their Waqf income to any registered Charity in the UK. If your charity isn’t available on the list kindly request for us to add it via email or filling in the form on the Causes page.

How do you ensure that funds are spent in the right way?

iWaqf Charitable Trust will only make charitable distributions to select projects subject to its grant making policy which is designed to ensure that all projects that apply for support are vetted and pass its due diligence criteria. The board of trustees will assess proposed projects with a view to achieving maximum impact and long-term sustainable change.

In which form(s) can I donate to iWaqf Charitable Trust?

You can only donate via the iWaqf portal or by contacting us to transfer a property.

How can I donate to iWaqf Charitable Trust?

iWaqf Charitable Trust have made donating to your Waqf easily accessible through the easy-to-use portal. You can begin your journey as a donor and see the growth and impact of your Waqf at any time by clicking the Waqf tree in the top-right hand corner of your dashboard. Your Waqf donation is amalgamated with other donees’ charitable donations to form part of iWaqf Charitable Trust’s overall portfolio of assets. Think of your donations to the Waqf as a single tree within an Orchard which is iWaqf Charitable Trust!

Do I need to be wealthy to contribute towards a Waqf?

No, anyone can contribute towards a Waqf. With iWaqf Charitable Trust, you can choose the exact amount you would like to donate as Waqf  and add to it at any time in future. The companion of the Prophet (ﷺ), Jabir Ibn Abdullah said: “Every Companion who had the capacity, established a Waqf.” (al-Mughni by Ibn Qudama). By donating to iWaqf Charitable Trust you effectively become part of a Waqf movement designed to benefit the UK Muslim Community.

What types of Waqf causes will my donation be contributed towards?

Waqf has in the past, and can now once again, be created for a wide range of causes or needs. We allow users to select which Charities they would like to benefit. For example, Awqaf were created to replace broken utensils and to provide grazing land for old animals.

How often is profit from the iWaqf Charitable Trust distributed to charitable causes?

iWaqf Charitable Trust will distribute profits from its investments as and when there are sufficient funds to allocate. You will be updated regularly on the activities of iWaqf Charitable Trust.

If I donate to a Waqf, will I lose ownership over the assets I have donated?

Yes. Under Islamic law, the Waqf and the assets (such as property, gold, and cash) that comprise it, are treated separately from the individual who gifted the assets (known as the Waqif). This means that the Waqf assets are no longer a part of the Waqif’s estate and would not be inherited by their family, according to the Islamic rules of inheritance. By donating to iWaqf Charitable Trust you are making a charitable donation which will be contributing towards a long-term self-sustaining source of funding for charitable projects inshaAllah.

Can I donate in instalments?

You can choose how much and when you pay. You can choose to make weekly, monthly or even one-off donations of any amount at any time using the Wahed app.

Can I donate my Zakat in the form of a Waqf?

Zakat can only be given to the categories Allah ﷺ has mentioned specifically in the Quran (Surah Tawbah | Verse 60) and donating to a Waqf is NOT considered to be Zakat eligible.

Is there a minimum I need to donate to invest in a Waqf?

Traditionally Waqf donations included buildings or land that were handed over to the relevant Waqf authority to benefit the public, such as universities and schools. The iWaqf Charitable Trust model allows you to donate in cash. Your cash donation is then pooled together with cash donations from other donors and used to invest in Shariah compliant assets. The income generated from these investments is thereafter distributed to the causes according to iWaqf Charitable Trust’s grant making policy.

Can I withdraw my donation?

No, once you make a charitable donation, the donated funds are no longer yours and belong to iWaqf Charitable Trust.

Can I donate in installments?

You can choose how much and when you pay. You can choose to make weekly, monthly or even one-off donations of any amount at any time.

Does iWaqf Charitable Trust invest its charitable assets in interest based investments?

No, in accordance with its Investment Policy, all of its charitable assets will be invested in Shariah compliant investments only.

What happens to my Waqf after death?

Your donations are received directly by iWaqf Charitable Trust as soon as you make them. iWaqf Charitable Trust aims to make your Waqf donations grow and last forever, which means that your contributions to iWaqf Charitable Trust and the charitable giving that derives from them will continue to benefit the causes in perpetuity till the end of time itself. It is therefore one of the only forms of charity that continues to benefit you after death.

The companion Uthman ibn Affan (رضي الله عنه) was promised Jannah by the Prophet ﷺ for his donation of a well by way of Waqf to the people of Madinah. Ever since that donation over 1400 years ago, the Waqf of Uthman has been growing - today it is worth tens of billions of pounds and generates vast incomes each year for charitable causes.

Who owns the assets of iWaqf Charitable Trust?

The unique feature of a Waqf is that once donated, no one person will ever own the donated funds or the profits generated through their investment. In fact, in Islam it is the belief that this is returned to Allah. Your donated funds will be managed by iWaqf Charitable Trust to ensure they are invested and the profits generated are utilised solely for the charitable aims of iWaqf Charitable Trust.

Will the charitable causes of iWaqf Charitable Trust change?

It is possible that in the future iWaqf Charitable Trust may increase the number of charitable causes it supports.

How are iWaqf Charitable Trust’s assets invested?

It is the responsibility of the board of trustees to implement iWaqf Charitable Trust’s Investment Policy. This will ensure the longevity of the donated assets and will comprise low risk investments that have a track record of safe returns. iWaqf Charitable Trust will work to maximise returns through its Investment Policy and by appointed investment manager(s).

How much can iWaqf Charitable Trust draw out of the Waqf for charitable causes?

At this time the annual yield will be withdrawn and given to charitable causes. iWaqf Charitable Trust’s board of trustees estimate that this will be 3-5% of the Waqf’s total assets but this figure may fluctuate in future.

How will the Board of Trustees ensure that iWaqf Charitable Trust’s funds do not run out?

The charitable donations will be invested in accordance with its Investment Policy rather than spent and the profits generated will be utilized for charitable causes.

What accountability standards apply to iWaqf Charitable Trust?

iWaqf Charitable Trust is accountable to and regulated by the Charity Commission, and must therefore abide by the laws and regulations applicable to UK regulated charities.

Who are the trustees of iWaqf Charitable Trust?

The trustees of iWaqf Charitable Trust (Charity No 1190896) are as outlined on the official website of the Charity Commission. More detailed information can be found on the website of the Commission (

Is iWaqf Charitable Trust regulated by the Charity Commission?

Yes, its registered charity number is 1190896.

Can I add a charity of my choice for donation?

Yes, you can! Please visit the link here